EMSCULPT NEO – The Mechanism of Action

Woman with hard abs after EMSCULPT NEO sessions

Simultaneous emission of synchronized radiofrequency and magnetic fields in a single applicator for fat elimination and muscle building

A Unique Combination of RF and HIFEM®

Procedures primarily addressing fat reduction and muscle building non-invasively have been two separate worlds since their inception due to the clinical and technical interferences. EMSCULPT NEO is the first of its kind aesthetic medical device that generates RF and HIFEM energies simultaneously using dual-field applicators.

The RF component delivers different levels of heat to underlying structures; skin, fat, and muscle. HIFEM is a procedure based on high-intensity magnetic fields that elicit external muscle contractions of supra-physiological nature. The unique combination of muscle contractions and heating by EMSCULPT NEO has multiple synergistic effects making the simultaneous treatment more effective than any standalone or consecutive application.

EMSCULPT NEO Effects on Adipose Tissue

The unique synchronized radiofrequency in EMSCULPT NEO has shown to heat the adipose tissue to 43–45°C uniformly1,2. Adipocytes exposed to temperatures in this range begin to lose their cellular viability and enter into the apoptotic process, i.e., natural and permanent deletion3. Consequently, the apoptotic cells lose membrane integrity and are digested by immune cells, which clear the degraded cell debris to maintain tissue homeostasis4. As a result, the number of fat cells in the treated area is significantly reduced.

The elevated temperature further results in increased blood flow and acceleration of metabolic activity. In response, the lipids stored in the fat glycerol, which are subsequently released to the bloodstream5. This directly leads to a shrinkage in the size of the remaining fat cells as they lose a large portion of their contents.

Image of fat cell shrinkage and apoptotic fat cell destruction.

Several veterinary and human trials were conducted to investigate the effects of EMSCULPT NEO on subcutaneous fat tissue. Histological and electron microscopy observations of the adipose tissue revealed extensive disruption of fat cells and lipolytic changes1,2. Noninvasive MRI and ultrasound evaluation demonstrated that the simultaneous treatments result in an average reduction of 28.3% – 30.8% in the subcutaneous fat layer6,7.

The muscle contractions further contribute to an even heat distribution. Localized heat accumulation is often associated with thermal treatments and the so- called “hot-spots” can lead to various complications. In EMSCULPT NEO, the muscle contractions work as a natural massager distributing the heat homogeneously across the entire treated area.

EMSCULPT NEO Effects on Muscles

Due to the RF, the muscle is heated to 40–41°C8, which causes increased blood flow into the active tissue and thus a significant increase in the oxygen and nutrient delivery to the strained muscle fibers9. Increased oxygenation and nutrient supplementation promotes the anabolic processes that take place in an organism and are necessary for faster muscle fiber regeneration and growth.10

The HIFEM-induced supramaximal muscle contractions produce a strong response that triggers muscle tissue hypertrophy11. During the treatment, muscle fibers are stretched and relaxed with high frequency and intensity, leading to micro-ruptures in the muscle fibers12,13. In turn, signaling molecules (heat shock proteins - HSP) are released to activate regenerative and muscle growth processes to strengthen the muscle.13 Satellite cells (SC), the muscle-derived stem cells responsible for myofiber development, and renewal14 are activated at the same time. When activated the SC’s may differentiate to support existing muscle fibers, or to generate new muscle fibers.15

Both HSP and SC can be activated by intense muscle exercise, but also by heat. Several studies have documented the ability of muscle heating to alter the levels of HSP as well as SC16. Moreover, the simultaneous application of heat and mechanical stress showed the highest levels in the expression of HSPs when compared to either heat or mechanical stress alone17.

Satellite Cells (SC) are indicative of muscle-derived stem cells that will generate new muscle fibers.

Multiple IRB studies have investigated the synergy, and their results have shown a muscle thickening effect of 24–26%6,7. On the other hand, the studies investigating the use of HIFEM without RF heating reported growth in muscle thickness by 16%18. This comparison clearly shows that the heat plays an important role in achieving superior clinical efficacy.

Concluding Comments

EMSCULPT NEO represents the first technology in the aesthetic field allowing the application of RF heating and HIFEM energies to the same body area simultaneously. This represents a breakthrough approach to non- surgical body shaping that clinically allows combining RF-induced fat elimination and HIFEM-induced muscle building in a wide range of patients, varying from athletes to high-BMI individuals. This new approach addresses the two biggest patient concerns in a single treatment while unlocking the various synergistic benefits that can only be seen when the energies are emitted at the same time. Multiple clinical studies investigating the synergistic effect of dual emission documented an efficacy superior to any other standalone or consecutive treatment available in aesthetic medicine today.


  1. Weiss RA, Bernardy J, Tichy F. Simultaneous Application of High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic and Synchronized Radiofrequency for Fat Disruption: Histological and Electron Microscopy Porcine Model Study. Dermatol Surg. 2021;47(8):1059-1064. doi:10.1097/DSS.0000000000003091.
  2. Goldberg DJ. Deletion of adipocytes induced by a novel device simultaneously delivering synchronized radiofrequency and hifem: Human histological study. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2021;20(4):1104-1109. doi:10.1111/jocd.13970.
  3. Weiss R, Weiss M, Beasley K, Vrba J, Bernardy J. Operator Independent Focused High Frequency ISM Band for Fat Reduction: Porcine Model: FOCUSED FIELD RF FOR FAT REDUCTION. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine. 2013;45(4):235-239.
  4. Nikoletopoulou V, Markaki M, Palikaras K, Tavernarakis N. Crosstalk between apoptosis, necrosis and autophagy. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Cell Research. 2013;1833(12):3448-3459.
  5. Adatto MA, Adatto-Neilson RM, Morren G. Reduction in adipose tissue volume using a new high-power radiofrequency technology combined with infrared light and mechanical manipulation for body contouring. Lasers in Medical Science. 2014;29(5):1627-1631.
  6. Jacob C, Kent D, Ibrahim O. Efficacy and Safety of Simultaneous Application of HIFEM and Synchronized Radiofrequency for Abdominal Fat Reduction and Muscle Toning: A Multicenter Magnetic Resonance Imaging Evaluation Study. Dermatol Surg. 2021;47(7):969-973. doi:10.1097/DSS.0000000000003086.
  7. Samuels JB, Weiss RA, Katz B. Radiofrequency Heating and HIFEM Delivered Simultaneously: The First Sham-Controlled Randomized Trial. Plast Reconstr Surg. In press.
  8. Halaas Y, Duncan D, Bernardy J, Ondrackova P, Dinev I. Activation of Skeletal Muscle Satellite Cells by a Device Simultaneously Applying High- Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Technology and Novel RF Technology:Fluorescent Microscopy Facilitated Detection of NCAM/CD56. Aesthet Surg J. 2021;41(7):NP939-NP947. doi:10.1093/asj/sjab002.

9. Giombini A, Giovannini V, Cesare AD, et al. Hyperthermia induced by microwave diathermy in the management of muscle and tendon injuries. Br Med Bull. 2007;83(1):379-396.

10. Racinais S, Cocking S, Périard JD. Sports and environmental temperature: From warming-up to heating-up. Temperature (Austin). 2017;4(3):227-257.

11. Duncan D, Dinev I. Noninvasive Induction of Muscle Fiber Hypertrophy and Hyperplasia: Effects of High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Field Evaluated in an In-Vivo Porcine Model: A Pilot Study. Aesthetic Surgery Journal. Published online October 26, 2019:sjz244.

12. Brown SJ, Child RB, Day SH, Donnelly AE. Exercise-induced skeletal muscle damage and adaptation following repeated bouts of eccentric muscle contractions. Journal of Sports Sciences. 1997;15(2):215-222.

13. Ebbeling CB, Clarkson PM. Exercise-induced muscle damage and adaptation. Sports Med. 1989;7(4):207-234.

14. Mauro A. Satellite Cells of Skeletal Muscle Fibers. The Journal of Cell Biology. 1961;9(2):493-495.

15. Schultz E, McCormick KM. Skeletal muscle satellite cells. Rev Physiol Biochem Pharmacol. 1994;123:213-257.

16. Kakigi R, Naito H, Ogura Y, et al. Heat stress enhances mTOR signaling after resistance exercise in human skeletal muscle. J Physiol Sci. 2011;61(2):131-140.

17. Goto K, Okuyama R, Sugiyama H, et al. Effects of heat stress and mechanical stretch on protein expression in cultured skeletal muscle cells. Pflugers Archiv European Journal of Physiology. 2003;447(2):247-253.

18. Katz BE. An overview of HIFEM technology in body contouring. Dermatol Rev. 2020;1(3):91-96. doi:10.1002/der2.24.

Male Urinary Incontinence

Know The Flow
The EMSELLA chair is a great way to address Pelvic Floor Dysfunction (PFD). The EMSELLA exercises every muscle of your pelvic floor.

Incontinence and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction in Men

In our blog, Women and Incontinence, we discussed female pelvic floor dysfunction and incontinence for women. In this article, we will address the same issues about men.

Men can have the same types of incontinence as women; Stress Incontinence, where sneezing, coughing, exercise, etc., can cause urine leakage; Urgency Incontinence, which is a sudden uncontrollable urge to urinate. And they can also have a combination of the two.

Some of the contributing factors are the same as for women, such as obesity, age, constipation, and certain diseases like Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's Disease, and diabetes. Some drugs, for example diuretics, can also be a factor.

What is unique to men is the prostate gland.

Pelvic Floor Diagram from Continence Foundation of Australia
Diagram of the Male Pelvic Floor

The prostate gland sits below the bladder, and the urethra passes through the gland. If the prostate gland enlarges, it pressures the bladder and constricts the urethra. The prostate enlarges if cancer is present or if there is inflammation causing prostatitis. Prostatitis can have a bacterial infection associated with it, or there may not be any infection, just inflammation.

Prostatitis causes enlargement of the gland known as Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH) affects about 50% of men in their 60s and 90% in their 80s. Surgery for cancer of the prostate and surgery to reduce to the size of the prostate can damage the nerves that control the bladder or the urethral sphincter thus causing incontinence. Some tips to help incontinence include reducing fluid intake, especially coffee and alcohol, bladder training, and Kegel exercises.

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Also helpful is a correct diagnosis. Often the underlying problem is Pelvic Floor Dysfunction (PFD). PFD can be present with or without prostatitis. The pelvic floor muscles can be affected by stress, bacteria, and inflammation. Also, direct trauma to the area or prolonged sitting can cause a problem. These factors cause a muscle response resulting in PFD and resulting symptoms. 

Pelvic floor dysfunction symptoms

There are several symptoms associated with pelvic floor dysfunction. If you are diagnosed with pelvic floor dysfunction, you may experience symptoms including:

Watch this great video demonstrating the pelvic floor muscles

The EMSELLA chair is a great way to address PFD. The EMSELLA exercises every muscle of your pelvic floor. There is no other way to do this, no self-exercise or other type of equipment can do this! It is essential to rule out cancer or a bacterial infection. Absent these; there's no better way to treat PFD than with this amazing technology. See why we call the EMSELLA the "magic chair."

Man sitting on EMSELLA chaira
Address Male Urinary Incontinence with the EMSELLA chair.

HIFEM Procedure in the Treatment of Pelvic Floor Muscles

Urinary Incontinence and Intimate Health


Pelvic floor muscles (PFM) support pelvic floor organs and control continence. Due to the body’s normal aging, childbirth and menopause, PFM decondition and insufficiently support the pelvic floor1. This condition directly correlates to both female and male urinary incontinence (UI), which manifests as involuntary loss of urine. Also, the functioning of the pelvic floor is tightly linked to healthy sexual function since PFM are responsible for adequate arousal and attainment of orgasm. Firmer muscle tone adds intensity to the muscle contractions and may improve sexual sensation.


The International Continence Society (ICS) defines 3 main subtypes of urinary incontinence according to the etiology2. Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) involves urine leakage when events with increased intra-abdominal pressure are performed (e.g. coughing, sneezing, laughing, lifting, etc.). SUI is caused by a loss of support of the urethra due to deconditioned PFM as a consequence of aging or damage to the pelvic support structures. SUI also strongly coincides with vaginal childbirth, and prostatectomy3 in male patients. The other type is associated with a strong desire to void caused by the sudden contractions of the bladder, followed by an involuntary loss of urine, so-called urge incontinence (UUI)4. The third type is mixed urinary incontinence (MUI) and it involves a combination of SUI and UUI symptoms.

All 3 types of UI share a similar cause - the weakened PFM that do not support the bladder and urethra properly (see figure 1). The patients are thus not able to perform adequate PFM contractions strongly and quickly enough to control the release of urine.

Figure 1: Weakened PFM insufficiently support pelvic organs that consequently lead to UI (left). Strong and functional pelvic floor after the HIFEM treatment helps to maintain continence (right).


Intimate health is an important aspect of quality of life and it is strongly associated with pelvic floor musculature5,6. The pelvic floor symptoms are significantly associated with reduced sexual arousal, infrequent orgasm, and dyspareunia7 (difficult or painful sexual intercourse). In addition, common complaints also include decreased excitement and dissatisfaction from sexual life. Clinicians who care for women with pelvic floor disorders should be aware of this association and should specifically address sexual concerns with women seeking treatment of UI and prolapse8.

Figure 2: A frontal view of the pelvic floor muscles and bladder using diagnostic ultrasound. Relaxed and loosened pelvic floor muscles and bladder (left). Stimulated and lifted pelvic floor muscles and bladder using HIFEM (right).


In general, health benefits are derived from higher levels of physical activity which applies in the context of the PFM as well. HIFEM non-invasively induces brain-independent concentric contractions referred to as supramaximal, lifting up all PFM (see Figure 2). Supramaximal contractions are of higher tension than maximum voluntary contractions and therefore cannot be achieved by voluntary muscle action (e.g. Kegel exercise, see Figure 3). During one session, thousands of supramaximal contractions are induced. This is extremely important to PFM re-education as the patients are not able to perform high-repetition-rate patterns

28-minutes therapy protocols, consisting of 3 different phases. Repetition of these phases leads to the adaptation and remodeling of PFM.

Protocol 1 begins by awakening of deconditioned muscles followed by stimulation with gradually increasing intensity and relaxation phase to prevent muscle overloading. Primarily low to mid frequencies are used to achieve progressive muscle stimulation yet with greater loads than can be achieved voluntarily.

Protocol 2 is optimized for high loads delivered to PFM by using stimulation sequences of mid to higher frequencies,

Figure 3: PFM activation using HIFEM compared to common exercise (e.g. Kegel).

of contractions due to PFM weakness. In result, HIFEM directly modifies the muscle structure, inducing growth of myofibrils – muscle fiber hypertrophy; accompanied by the creation of new protein strands and muscle fibers – muscle fiber hyperplasia.

The key to the effectiveness of HIFEM procedure, utilized by EMSELLA device, is based on focused electromagnetic energy, selective in-depth penetration, and intense stimulation of the entire pelvic floor area. The gradual strengthening of PFM improves the integrity of the pelvic floor and enhances the muscle control enabling patients to identify, isolate, and effectively contract PFM.


To strengthen the pelvic floor, muscles should be subjected to higher loads than usual with respect to their initial condition. Since the PFM are considerably weakened, the excessive fatigue of muscles must be avoided by choosing a progressive dosage of the treatment intensity. To do so, EMSELLA enables physicians to choose between two with the goal of activating the muscles that already gained some strength. The protocol is initiated by gradually increasing PFM stimulation and subsequently, the stimulation is further intensified to achieve strong contractions with increased blood flow. The relaxation phase is again included to prevent muscle fatigue and facilitate metabolic waste product removal.


PFM support the pelvic organs, control the continence, and play a crucial role in healthy sexual function. However, a large population of incontinent patients or patients with impaired sexual function, are unable to perform correct PFM contractions and lack muscle activation due to the PFM weakness. HIFEM causes deep pelvic floor muscle stimulation to restore neuromuscular control and muscle strength. A single HIFEM session brings thousands of supramaximal contractions, which are extremely important in muscle re-education and strengthening.


  1. Memon H, Handa VL. Pelvic floor disorders following vaginal or cesarean delivery: Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol. 2012;24(5):349-354.
  2. Haylen BT, de Ridder D, Freeman RM, et al. An international urogynecological association (IUGA)/international continence society (ICS) joint report on the terminology for female pelvic floor dysfunction: Terminology for Female Pelvic Floor Dysfunction. Neurourol Urodyn. 2010;29(1):4-20.
  3. Caremel R, Corcos J. Incontinence after radical prostatectomy: Anything new in its management? Can Urol Assoc J. 2014;8(5-6):202-212.
  4. Ouslander JG. Management of Overactive Bladder. Wood AJJ, ed. N Engl J Med. 2004;350(8):786-799.
  5. Martinez CS, Ferreira FV, Castro AAM, Gomide LB. Women with greater pelvic floor muscle strength have better sexual function. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2014;93(5):497-502.
  6. Cohen D, Gonzalez J, Goldstein I. The Role of Pelvic Floor Muscles in Male Sexual Dysfunction and Pelvic Pain. Sex Med Rev. 2016;4(1):53-62.
  7. Association AP. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition, Text Revision. 4th edition. American Psychiatric Association; 2000.
  8. Handa VL, Cundiff G, Chang HH, Helzlsouer KJ. Female Sexual Function and Pelvic Floor Disorders. Obstet Gynecol. 2008;111(5):1045-1052.

*High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic

©2020 BTL Group of Companies. All Rights reserved. BTL®, EMSELLA® and HIFEM® are registered trademarks in the Unites States of America, the European Union and/or the other countries. The product, the method of manufacture or the use may be subject to one or more U.S. or foreign patents or pending applications.

Women and Incontinence

It seems that incontinence is more of a problem than most people know. And no wonder - who wants to let people know that this is a problem they are experiencing. Incontinence is a problem for both men and women creating a fast-growing market for incontinence products. And this is not just an American problem; in Japan, more adult diapers are sold than baby diapers. The global market for incontinence products in 2020 was about $15 billion, and by 2027 will be $22.5 billion, with the US accounting for about 27% of the market.

The International Continence Society defines incontinence as "involuntary loss of urine that is a social or hygienic problem and is objectively verifiable".

This blog will discuss the problems concerning women and incontinence.

Incontinence is a symptom of an underlying problem and can be due to bladder dysfunction or sphincter dysfunction, or a combination of the two. There are three types of dysfunction- 1) stress 2) urge and 3) a combination of stress and urge.

Examples of stress dysfunction are urinary leakage when sneezing, coughing, or exercising. Urinary urge dysfunction is not controlling a sudden urge to urinate with the involuntary passage of urine. Urgency-frequency is the frequent uncontrollable urge to urinate which can happen with or without stress, and can result in frequent small volume voids. Some call this irritable bladder.

Studies combining stress and urge continence show that 30 to 40% of middle-aged women are affected, and up to 50% of the elderly. Often the underlying cause of urinary incontinence is Pelvic Floor Dysfunction.

Diagram of female pelvic floor and organs.

What is Pelvic Floor Dysfunction (PFD)?

PFD is the condition where one cannot coordinate the muscles in the pelvic floor that control urination and or defecation. For a woman, this may also cause pain during intercourse. The pelvic organs are the bladder, the uterus, the vagina (and the prostate in men). The pelvic floor muscles underlying these organs are like a sling supporting these organs, and these muscles relax and contract. When the muscles are not functioning correctly, you may have trouble with bowel movements and urine or stool leaks.

Some of the known causes of pelvic floor dysfunction are pregnancy, especially if the delivery was long or complicated, pelvic surgery, trauma to the area, obesity, menopause, and aging. Certain drugs can cause constipation which can exacerbate pelvic floor weakness. Signs of pelvic floor dysfunction are the types of incontinence described above. Other symptoms are trouble starting to urinate, constipation, or straining during a bowel movement. Ongoing pain or pressure in the pelvic region and lower back pain may signify PFD. Painful urination in the absence of infection may also indicate PFD. Another indication is feeling a bulge or sensation like something is coming out of the vagina.

TREATMENTS for Incontinence in Women

Various treatments for PFD include Biofeedback, drugs, Kegel exercises, Pessary devices, and surgery. Biofeedback trains you to relax or contract muscles via sensors placed on your muscles. Medications can also help relax pelvic floor muscles, and Kegel exercises contract and relax the muscles, thus strengthening them. Pessary devices are inserted into the vagina to support the pelvic organs. If the dysfunction is due to rectal prolapse, surgery may be indicated.

Happy woman sitting on EMSELLA chair
This 28-minute procedure can improve incontinence and a little more!

Now a revolutionary treatment for incontinence is BTL's EMSELLA. The EMSELLA is the only way to stimulate the entire pelvic floor region, and it is non-invasive and painless.

EMSELLA sessions combined with abdominal strengthening via the EMSULPT NEO accomplishes what we call CORE to FLOOR strengthening and results in a stronger you.

Left image - Weak Pelvic Floor Muscles: Right image- Muscle Stimulation and Strengthening AFTER EMSELLA.

You sit fully clothed on the EMSELLA chair and experience thousands of super maximal pelvic floor muscle contractions via electromagnetic magnetic stimulation.

In just six 28-minute sessions, you can transform your life. As a side benefit, many people report improvement in their sex life. In a recent clinical study, 95% of patients reported satisfaction and significant improvement in their quality of life.

Multicentre MRI Study: Gluteal Contouring

Gluteal contouring by High Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Field and Synchronized Radiofrequency. Interim 1-month Results of the Multicenter Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Study.

Purpose: High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Field (HIFEM) procedure is an effective method for non-invasive toning and shaping of buttocks. This research aims to investigate and compare the efficacy of simultaneous application of HIFEM procedure with radiofrequency (RF) heating vs. HIFEM standalone procedure on the buttocks.

Summary: Our interim results suggest that simultaneous use of HIFEM + RF is safe and significantly more effective for gluteal contouring than the HIFEM procedure alone.

Abstract presented at GAC Miami, November 2021 . Barry DiBernardo MD1, David J. Goldberg MD, JD2, Bruce Katz MD3, JD McCoy NMD4, Suneel Chilukuri MD, FAAD, FACSM5 1New Jersey Plastic Surgery, New Jersey, NY, United States, 2Icahn School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States, 3Juva Skin and Laser Center, Manhattan, NY, United States, 4Contour Mecial, Gilbert, AZ, United States, 5Refresh Dermatology, Houston, TX, United States,

EMSCULPT NEO Provides a Non-Invasive Butt Lift!

Note: The EMSCULPT NEO offers both HIFEM AND RF to destroy fat while simultaneously building muscle. EMSCULPT NEO provides a non-invasive butt lift. Did you know that EMSCULPT NEO is also used to destroy fat and build muscle for your belly, thighs, and other areas?

Further Reading: Multicentre Study Lateral Thighs. Can You Take a Short Cut to a Better Self Image?

Woman wearing pair of jeans after EMSCULPT NEO contouring of her buttocks.

You’ve Hit a Stubborn Fat-Loss Plateau. Now What?

Maybe you’ve been on a quest to shed some pandemic pounds. Or maybe certain areas of your body have been resistant to losing fat. Either way, you’ve been exercising and eating nutritiously (most of the time), and after months of focus, your efforts have paid off - The number on the scale has dropped, and you feel stronger than you have in a long time. But lately, although your habits haven’t changed, your progress has stalled. What gives—and what can you do about it?

If you’ve tried portion control, healthier food choices, increased exercise, and stress reduction, and you’re still (unhappily) stuck in a plateau, it’s okay to try something new. That something might be EMSCULPT NEO®, a non-invasive (and pain-free!) FDA-approved device that builds and strengthens muscles while burning fat. 

EMSCULPT NEO Strengthens Muscles While Simultaneously Burning FAT.

Here’s how it works: Radiofrequency heating quickly raises the fat cell temperature by several degrees. In less than four minutes, the temperature in subcutaneous fat is high enough to destroy fat cells. The fat cells are then slowly flushed out of the body.

The NEO combines high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM+) technology with radiofrequency (RF) energy to build and strengthen muscles while simultaneously burning fat. HIFEM+ energy contracts all muscle fibers in the targeted area at intensities not achievable during regular workouts, increasing the number and growth of muscle fibers and cells.

EMSCULPT NEO treatments are done using a paddle-like device that targets specific areas of the body, such as the abdomen, thighs, and biceps.

If that description sounds daunting, not to worry—EMSCULPT NEO treatments aren’t painful. Most of our clients describe feeling a pleasant warming sensation due to the radiofrequency heating. The HIFEM + energy can be adjusted to best meet each client’s needs and comfort level.

As you build muscle, you can increase the device’s intensity—just as you would gradually increase the intensity of your workouts in a gym as your muscles grow stronger.

We conduct an in-office consultation prior to treatment to ensure that prospective clients don’t have any health concerns, such as a pacemaker or BMI over 35, that might contraindicate the use of the EMSCULPT NEO.)

EMSCULPT NEO can help you get rid of stubborn fat that has so far resisted your weight loss efforts while making you stronger so that your future workouts will be more effective.

A fit happy woman

Studies show that people who use EMSCULPT NEO experienced a 30 percent reduction in subcutaneous fat and a 25 percent increase in muscle volume after four 30-minute treatments, spaced a week apart. (At Sculpted Wellness, we see best results three months after clients have completed six sessions in six weeks since it takes some time for the body to metabolize and excrete the broken-down fat cells targeted by radiofrequency heating.)

Our clients tell us that once EMSCULPT NEO helps them sculpt their bodies, their motivation to keep living a healthy lifestyle is recharged. There’s nothing like looking in the mirror and seeing noticeable results to make you think, I like looking this way! I don’t want to lose my progress now!

If you would like to learn more about how EMSCULPT NEO can help you move past a weight loss plateau, call Sculpted Wellness at 475-221-1000 or visit sculptedwellness.com.

New Multicentre Study: Lateral Thighs

Doctors reviewing data on HIFEM + RF for reduction of lateral thigh adipose tissue.

MRI Multicentre Study on High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Procedure Simultaneously Combined with Synchronized Radiofrequency for Treatment of Lateral Thighs: Preliminary 3-Month Follow-up Data.

Background: Lateral thighs are a common problem area where excessive fat accumulation forms so-called saddlebags, most prominently seen in women. This study investigates the effect of high intensity focused electromagnetic field procedure (HIFEM) simultaneously combined with synchronized radiofrequency (RF) for the treatment of lateral thigh adipose tissue.

Conclusion: The interim 3-month results evidence the effectiveness of the novel HIFEM+RF technology for reduction of excessive adipose tissue in the lateral thigh region. MRI examination revealed a significant decrease in fat thickness, accompanied with circumference reduction. The results suggest that the treatment effect is gradually improving up to 3 months.

Abstract presented virtually at ASDS November 2021. Melanie D. Palm, MD1, Yael Halaas, MD2, Brian M. Kinney, MD3, Richard Goldfarb, MD4 1Art of Skin MD, Solana Beach, CA, United States, 2Yael Halaas, M.D., New York, NY, United States, 3Brian M. Kinney M.D., Beverly Hills, CA, United States, 4Center for SmartLipo & Plastic Surgery, Langhorne, PA, United States

Are you unhappy with the appearance of your outer thighs? In this video Kimberly happily describes how EMSCULPT Neo solved her Saddlebag problem!

Learn more information about the Emsculpt Neo

Can You Take a “Shortcut” to a Better Self-Image?

Your self-image literally shapes the trajectory of your life. If you see yourself as attractive, fit, likeable, capable, and adventurous, then you behave as if these things are true. You look after your physical health. You confidently enter social situations. You initiate sex. You take on personal and professional challenges. 

What’s really interesting is that you do almost all of these things without conscious thought because they flow from the mental image you have of yourself. Your self-image becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. When it’s positive, you end up with better relationships, a more fulfilling career, and, yes, better health.

On the other hand, if you have a poor self-image, you may project negative energy that closes you off from fulfillment and opportunity. Your relationships suffer. You lack the confidence to take positive risks. Poor self-image impacts your health, too. You may feel stressed or anxious, which interferes with sleep quality and makes it harder to lose weight. Over time you can become depressed and lose the motivation to exercise. It’s a self-perpetuating cycle that ratchets your self-image lower and lower.

Of course you know that—theoretically—there are many ways to boost your attitude, confidence, and mental health: practicing positive affirmations, meditation, worship, reading motivational materials, gratitude journaling, etc. These are great tools for improving the way you see yourself over time. Unfortunately, when you’re in a bad place mentally, it can be as tough to find the willpower to form these habits as it is to suddenly start working out every day.

But what if you could take a “shortcut” to a better self-image?

It’s not only possible, it’s smart from a psychological standpoint. After all, we tend to become what we visualize. If what you see in the mirror puts you in a positive frame of mind, your motivation to maintain healthy habits—physical, emotional, and spiritual—will receive a powerful, sustained boost. 

Take a Short Cut to a Better Self-Image

This is the thinking behind Sculpted Wellness. Whether you’d like to tone your arms, strengthen your core, get rid of love handles, smooth out cellulite, or de-puff the bags under your eyes, our EMSUITE treatments will jump-start the physical improvements you’d like to make using a non-invasive, targeted approach.

For example, our popular EMSCULPT NEO is an FDA-cleared device that’s proven after four treatments to build muscle while reducing fat in the targeted treatment areas. Clients simply lie down while a topical applicator uses electromagnetic technology and radiofrequency energy to permanently destroy fat cells and contract muscle fibers. (No worries: Treatments are pain-free). Changes in your body continue over the next three months at which point you see the optimal results in the targeted areas of an average of 25% fat reduction and 30% increase in muscle mass. 

Clients tell us that after an EMSUITE treatment, they quickly notice a difference in how they look and feel. They feel more attractive. They’re stronger and more confident. Best of all, they want to maintain their new image and are far more motivated to exercise, eat right, get more sleep, and do all the other things that add up to wellness. The shift in self-image changes everything. It can literally kick-start a new life.

Call Sculpted Wellness at 475-221-1000 or visit sculptedwellness.com for more information on how to help change your body composition and, ultimately, your self-image.

Contact Sculpted Wellness to schedule your consultation 475-221-1000 or email info@sculptedwellness.com

Aging Gracefully

One of the plagues of aging is falling—even perfectly healthy seniors with no pre-existing medical problems have a greater chance of taking a tumble than someone younger. Nationwide, an older (over 65) person is in the ER every eleven seconds due to a fall. By age 85, two-thirds of all injury-related deaths are due to a fall. In 2013, approximately 50% of traumatic brain injury cases were due to elderly. Since 2014, twenty-nine million elderly Americans sustained injuries resulting from a fall, amounting to health costs of $31 billion! Furthermore, 95% of hip fractures happen in our older population, with the risk growing and increasing as you age—and the fastest-growing age group in the United States are those over 85.

Protect Yourself from Taking a Fall

Many seniors are on medications that may sedate them, impairing awareness of their surroundings and their reaction times to imminent danger. For example, an unnoticed cord or pet may be in their path and when encountering these obstacles, they cannot react fast enough to keep themselves from tripping. Two-thirds of falls don’t happen from a height; rather, they occur on level ground when the person slips or trips over something. Movement disorders such as MS or Parkinson’s disease can add to the risk of falling and factors such as exhaustion due to suffering from insomnia or nocturia can slow reaction times. Obesity can also be a factor in falling since those with abdominal fat are more likely to have this problem. Another problem is lower body weakness due to a lack of physical activity. In one sense, this weakness leads to fear of falling, which increases the odds of having an accident.

Decrease the Odds of Falling as You Age

Naturally, treatment of insomnia and nocturia, maintaining proper weight, and, if possible, being off prescription drugs that impair mental acuity are all helpful in decreasing the odds of a fall. Of course, addressing these issues when younger would be most beneficial, but it is never too late to improve your health. The issue of exercise and strength is of course also in play. Maybe you can’t get to the gym regularly, or ailments such as arthritis or back problems prevent you from doing as much as necessary for good abdominal and leg strength.

At Sculpted Wellness, we offer EMSCULPT NEO, a breakthrough, non-invasive technology that simultaneously delivers heat and magnetic energy for targeted fat reduction and muscle growth. On average, there is a 30% fat loss and 25% increase in muscle mass after only four treatments. Results are maintained for a year unless, of course, you increase the amount you eat. By targeting the abdomen and the thighs, you can build core strength, thus decreasing your chances of falling.

One senior client who, due to her instability while walking, previously required the aid of a grocery cart when shopping, even if only shopping for one or two items, reports she can now walk-through Stop and Shop without a cart. She says, “You may not think this is a big deal, but it is!” Another older client said that he wanted the strength to bend down and pick up his grandchild, which he can now do. These results were easily accomplished by lying passively on a table with specialized HIFEM+RF (High-Frequency Electromagnetic and Radio Frequency) treatment paddles applied to specific areas. EMSCULPT NEO treatments are painless and non-invasive. With just four 30-minute sessions, these sessions are equivalent to approximately three months of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts in the gym.

Urinary Incontinence (UI) and Aging

Urinary incontinence studies show that about half of older women and approximately 25% of older men suffer from UI. Common causes and contributing factors to UI for both men and women are obesity, alcohol, smoking, citrus fruits, caffeine, constipation, neurological conditions like MS and Alzheimer’s, tumors, and aging. For women, childbirth and menopause are significant factors; for men, an enlarged prostate can contribute to UI.

There are different types of UI, with stress incontinence and urge incontinence being the main types. Stress incontinence refers to urinary leaks from the stress of laughing, sneezing, coughing, or lifting something heavy. Urge incontinence is when you have a sudden intense urge to urinate and may not be able to make it to the toilet. Frequent urination may have you always looking for a bathroom and is a problem that can interfere with sleep.

UI is a growing problem as our population increases in age; it may be embarrassing, can lower self-esteem, and interfere with one’s sex life. There are various treatments to help urinary incontinence, including limiting fluid intake; avoiding alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, citrus fruits; and losing weight may all be helpful. Training to hold your urine for increasingly longer intervals and scheduling toilet times may be beneficial. For men, shrinking the prostate may be helpful.

UI Due to Weak Pelvic Muscles

Common recommendations may be strengthening Kegel exercises, drugs to calm or empty the bladder, surgery for women to create a sling from their tissue, or a synthetic mesh to support the pelvic floor. Now, there is a “magic” chair offered by Sculpted Wellness for men and women called the EMSELLA, a completely unique system to treat the entire pelvic floor and delivers thousands of contractions per session. Patients remain fully clothed while sitting on the EMSELLA chair; electromagnetic waves at various frequencies cause all the pelvic floor muscles to contract, resulting in the strengthening of all the pelvic floor muscles.

EMSELLA is FDA-approved to treat incontinence. There is no pain; sessions are non-invasive with no downtime after treatment—just sit and relax. After six sessions over three weeks, 95% of treated patients reported significant improvement in their quality of life. Men find they don’t have to stand at the urinal for as long or urinate as frequently, and two-thirds of women reported significant reduction or complete cessation of hygienic pads. One patient found that after only two treatments, she could be on her rebounder without any leakage! Another beneficial side effect that many males and females report is enhanced sexual function. Women report reduced pain during intercourse, increased lubrication, and arousal, and more satisfaction with orgasm intensity.

As one client stated, “water your plants, not your pants.” Consider sitting on the magic chair! Aging is often accompanied by incontinence and limits your freedom. Start now so that your older self will thank you for taking the steps to age gracefully. Consider strengthening your muscles, especially your abdominals, buttocks, and thighs, as well as reducing fat. Always aim for health, no matter your age.

If you are troubled by these problems (no matter your age), visit Sculptedwellness.com to learn more, or call 475.221.1000 to schedule a consultation. Sculpted Wellness offers innovative treatments that enhance physical, aesthetic, and health needs. You are never too old to become younger!

This article was featured in Natural Nutmeg magazine.

What Type of Fat Do You Really Have? Track Your Progress with Styku.

Obesity is becoming the norm! It is estimated that 30% of the world population is obese. The United States is leading the pack for obesity; the CDC Center for Disease Control (CDC) reports, "US obesity prevalence obesity prevalence was 42.4% in 2017 – 2018." Estimates indicate that by 2030 the figure will rise to 50%.

Obesity is defined as being over a certain weight based on height, age, and gender as determined by the Body Mass Index (BMI). Obesity has been linked to increased risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, sexual dysfunction, dementia, sleep, and mood disorders.

Does the BMI, or being over a certain weight, tell the whole story? No. A lot depends on the type of fat you have. There are two types of fat- subcutaneous and visceral. Subcutaneous fat is the fat you can pinch. It is soft and tends to move as you change position. For instance, as you lay down, your abdomen will flatten. Visceral fat is the deep fat, the fat that wraps around your major organs like the liver, pancreas, intestines, and kidneys. Someone with a relatively small amount of subcutaneous fat can still have too much visceral fat.

Visceral fat is the most dangerous type because it behaves as an independent organ producing proteins that cause inflammation. Today, it is recognized that inflammation is the underlying factor in most chronic diseases.

Wouldn't it be helpful to know how much subcutaneous fat and especially how much visceral fat you have? Wouldn't it be beneficial to track your progress as you try to reduce your fat? Using a scale can be discouraging. The scale may not indicate weight loss as you diet and exercise if your fat is replaced by increased muscle mass or bone density.

There is no direct way to measure fat unless you do an invasive procedure like an MRI or CT scan. There are several indirect methods of estimating fat; however, they are not very accurate. For instance, you can measure the circumference around your waist. If you are a male and the waist measurement is greater than 40 inches, or a female, and the measurement is greater than 35 inches, this could indicate the presence of visceral fat. It tells you nothing about the amount of visceral fat; just that odds are that you have visceral fat. Some people use a special weight scale that can indicate fat percentage; however, this does not reveal any information relative to visceral fat.

Fortunately, there now is equipment called STYKU that can indirectly measure total fat and visceral fat with 96% accuracy and a reliability factor of 99.6%! This reliability factor indicates that there is only a .4% margin of error as you repeat the tests; however, you can be sure you are losing fat if the STYKU results indicate. STYKU shows changes in fat percentage and tells us changes in muscle mass, bone density, and much more. This is accomplished by taking an infrared scan of your body. STYKU scans are safe, noninvasive (no radiation), painless, and fast. STKYU scans are completely private and contactless. Wearing body-hugging clothing, you stand on a rotating platform, and the infrared camera scans your entire body in 60 seconds. In just minutes, an external 3D body image is taken. 

In addition to the information listed above, STYKU records measurements of numerous areas such as the abdomen, hips, thighs, biceps, etc. Volumetric values for areas of the body are also provided, for instance, of the abdominal region. Suppose you are engaging in lifestyle changes to increase muscle and reduce fat, or you reduce fat and increase muscle mass via EMSCULPT NEO® sessions to build and strengthen muscles while simultaneously burning fat. In that case, the STYKU scan can be repeated when necessary. Changes of values compared by number and or generated trend graphs and visual changes in the 3D image are shown in subsequent scans.

STYKU is a powerful tool to help motivate and monitor progress toward a healthier you. Sculpted Wellness, located in The Breiner Whole-Body Health Center, provides the STYKU scan as part of their initial consultation. Call Sculpted Wellness at 475-221-1000 or visit sculptedwellness.com for more information on how to help change your body composition.